Night Boat to Dublin 1946
Director: Lawrence Huntington
Writers: Lawrence Huntington, Robert Hall
Rôle: Frederick Jannings
Release Date: 22 February 1946
Synopsis: The allies plan to rescue a Swedish atomic scientist from under the noses of the Nazis. Marius's rôle is very brief (a cameo really) but memorable - we first see him awaiting execution at the Tower of London on charges of espionage. He is once again implored by a Home Office official (Valentine Dyall) to reveal the whereabouts of Professor Hansen but he refuses. 'I have nothing to say!'. He is then led away and a few moments later the sound of gunshots from the firing squad is heard.
Comment: Marius would again be directed two years later by Lawrence Huntington in a much more substantial rôle as the star of 'Mr Perrin and Mr Traill'.
Availability: DVD (Studio Canal) Release Date: 11 January 2010.

Reviews: From the review of the film on the Noirish blog: "In the opening moments of this noirish spy tale we see Frederick Jannings (Goring), held prisoner in the Tower of London as a suspected Nazi spy and facing death by firing squad, being given one last chance to tell British Military Intelligence what has happened to missing Swedish scientist Dr. Hansen (Miller), whose researches into atomic weapons are making their way to the Nazis. Jannings believes Hansen is dead, which is taken by his captors as a refusal to talk; he’s taken out and shot. It presumably wasn’t the moviemakers’ intent to show Military Intelligence as being so stupid, and in real life I think they probably weren’t."

Marius Goring in Night Boat to Dublin