The Moonraker 1958
Directors: David MacDonald
Writers: Robert Hall, Wilfred Eades, Alistair Bell
Rôle: Colonel John Beaumont
Release Date: 22 May 1958
Synopsis: After the battle of Worcester at the end of the Civil War, the main aim of Oliver Cromwell's Commonwealth is to capture Charles Stuart. The future king's escape depends on the intrepid Earl of Dawlish.
Comment: For once Marius is not playing a German officer but a Roundhead colonel in the English Civil War. I really enjoyed this film and Sylvia Syms is just gorgeous. So is Marius and if I were Anne Wyndham, I would have stayed with the colonel rather than Dawlish, the Moonraker (George Baker). I've never rated George Baker as much of an actor. His character buggers off to France with Charles Stuart at the end to be in exile for who knows how long and she's left alone after the colonel releases her from their engagement and takes no retribution for Anne assisting the Moonraker to escape.
Availability: DVD (StudioCanal) Release Date: 18 January 2010.

The Son of Robin Hood 1958
Director: George Sherman
Writers: George W George, George F Slavin
Rôle: Robert, the Earl of Chester
Release Date: November 1958
Synopsis: Robin Hood's dead and an English nobleman wants to rule England. So, it's up to his surviving merrymen to save England. However, they need a leader and learn that Robin had a son and is coming to continue his father's work. However, it turns out that his son is actually a daughter...
Comment: What can I say about this film? Not his best, probably his worst but he's got a lovely beard, he's wearing tights and he's totally gorgeous!
Availability: DVD (Twentieth Century Fox Film Collection) Release Date: 25 September 2012.