Wilde Alliance - Season 1 Episode 4:
Things That Go Bump
Director: Marc Miller
Writer: Philip Broadley
Rôle: Rex
Broadcast: 7 February 1978 Yorkshire Television
Synopsis: Christopher, Rupert's literary agent and friend, buys a long-empty, old house with a view to renovating it and selling it. On his first night he sees, and talks to, a woman who has appeared in the house despite all the doors being locked. She asks for a glass of water but when he comes back with one she has gone. He is sure she is a ghost and, later, he hears strange sounds like a heart beat. The next day, he tells Rupert and Amy about his experience (Amy believes in ghosts, Rupert doesn't) and they agree to stay at the old house with him that night. Nothing happens that night and the next morning Christopher has to go back to London. Rupert and Amy stay on and, that night, Rupert has the same experience as Christopher but he manages to lock the woman in the room. He goes to fetch Amy but when they open the door, the woman is gone. Amy thinks it's a ghost. Rupert thinks that people are using the house for nefarious purposes and the woman is a plant designed to scare people away so they can carry on their business in private. Who is right?
Availability: DVD (Network) Release Date: 3 August 2009.

Holocaust - Part 1: 1935-1940
Director: Marvin J. Chomsky
Writer: Gerald Green
Rôle: Heinrich Palitz
Broadcast: 16 April 1978 NBC
Synopsis: Marius plays an Iron Cross recipient from World War One who together with his wife owns an antiquarian bookstore. When Heinrich Palitz's home and bookstore are completely destroyed in the Kristallnacht attacks, he and his wife are forced to move in with their daughter, Berta, son-in-law Josef, and their two younger children, teenage son, Rudi, and preteen daughter, Anna.
Availability: DVD (Paramount) Release Date: 27 May 2008.